
Thanks to Global Climate Change, the window of time in Cascadia between when the rain stops and the fires start has gone from months to weeks. There is a possibility that it will still be raining and/or muddy/wet during Mutantfest. Watch the weather forecast and be prepared.

  • Don’t allow anything wet into your tent
  • If your clothes get wet, change into dry ones. Don’t stay in wet clothes, especially after dark.
  • Bring waterproof shoes and a rain jacket. Water resistant is not waterproof. You want waterproof.
  • Bring plastic bags to store things that really shouldn’t get wet
  • Keep fresh air circulating in your tent
  • Bring extra socks
  • Pack quick drying towels
  • Make sure the rain fly on your tent is taut
  • Bring an extra blanket or two
  • Pack synthetics and wool not cotton.
  • Use a walking stick or two if you’re out on wet ground, especially in the dark. The extra points of contact with the ground can help you keep your balance if you hit an unexpected slippery patch of mud or a wet rock, branch, log, etc..
  • If you are bringing sound, put wood shipping palettes underneath your subs to raise them off a few inches off the ground to prevent them from water intrusion. Also bring heavy duty tarps, big ones.